

THIRTY-FIVE CLASSIC CANAPÉS Recipes from the late 1890s.

Anchovy and Egg

Cover thin circles of fried or toasted bread with chopped hard-boiled eggs, lay a curled anchovy in the centre of each piece and serve either hot or cold, garnishing with minced parsley or capers.

Pimola and Anchovy

Cut thin slices of bread into fancy shapes, toast, spread with butter, and lay a curled anchovy in the centre around half a pimola. Fill the spaces with the minced whites and sifted yolks of hard-boiled eggs and border with minced capers or parsley.

Anchovy and Olive

Serve pitted olives on rounds of fried bread with an anchovy curled around each olive. Fill the space to the edge with chopped olives or rings of hard-boiled eggs. Garnish with cress.

Anchovy and Cheese

Fry small rounds of bread in clarified butter, sprinkle with grated cheese, season with salt and cayenne, and put in the oven until the cheese is melted. Fillets of anchovies may be laid on these canapés and they may be served hot or cold, garnishing with minced parsley.

Anchovy and Cayenne

Pound anchovies to a smooth paste with butter and season with cayenne and lemon juice. Spread on strips of toast or bread and lay strips of anchovy on each piece. Fill the spaces between with hard-boiled eggs chopped separately.

Watercress and Egg

Chop watercress and pickles with the yolks of hard-boiled eggs and rub to a smooth paste with butter. Spread on strips of fried or toasted bread and lay an anchovy on each one.

Tomato and Anchovy

Slice large tomatoes, cut circles of bread to fit, and toast or fry the bread. Lay a slice of tomato on each piece, put a pimola in the centre, curl an anchovy around it and border with stiff mayonnaise, using the pastry bag and tube. Serve ice cold.

Anchovy Sauce Toasts

Beat together two eggs, a tablespoonful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of anchovy sauce, and salt and cayenne to season. Add three tablespoonfuls of grated cheese and one tablespoonful of flour wet with cream. Spread thickly upon small slices of toast and bake until brown.

Anchovy Essence Toasts

Chop two hard-boiled eggs fine, mix to a smooth paste with melted butter, season with anchovy essence, and serve on small circles or squares of buttered toast.

Caviar and Watercress

Spread strips of toast with caviar rubbed to a smooth paste with butter, sprinkle with chopped watercress, and serve cold.

Caviar and Egg

Heat caviar with enough cream to moisten, spread on rounds of fried or toasted bread, and sprinkle with hard-boiled egg-yolks rubbed through a fine sieve. Garnish with cress.

Caviar on Rye

Spread thin rounds of toasted rye-bread with caviar, seasoned with lemon juice. Lay a slice of hard-boiled egg on each one and serve with a garnish of parsley.

Caviar Lemon and Parsley

Spread thin squares of toast with caviar seasoned with lemon juice, sprinkle with minced parsley, and border with chopped hard-boiled eggs. Garnish with lemon and parsley.

Olives and Pickles

Chop fine, olives, pimentos, and cucumber pickles. Season caviar with lemon juice and spread upon circles of fried or toasted bread. Cover with a thin layer of the chopped mixture.

Caviar on Boston Brown

Spread butter upon thin round slices of rye-bread or Boston brown-bread and lay a thin slice of cucumber, which has been dipped in French Dressing, on each piece. Remove the yolk from slices of hard-boiled egg, lay the ring of white on the cucumber, and fill the centre with caviar.

Caviar and Oysters

Season caviar with lemon juice and spread upon rounds of toasted bread. Lay an oyster on each piece and serve on a plate with a garnish of cress and lemon.

Caviar Cream

Mix caviar to a cream with lemon juice and spread on buttered toast cut into squares or diamonds. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs, chopped finely, and sprinkle with minced onion. Skinned and boned anchovies may be used instead of caviar.

Caviar Toasts

Heat a can of caviar with a little melted butter, season with lemon juice and cayenne, and serve on small squares of hot buttered toast.

Caviar Watercress Toasts

Fry small rounds of bread in butter, drain and cool. Chop watercress very fine, rub it to a paste with butter and spread on the toast. Sprinkle with salt and paprika, cover with caviar seasoned with lemon juice, and serve with a garnish of cress.

Crab and Green Pepper Toasts

Spread thick rounds of fresh bread with butter and anchovy paste, cover with crab-meat, sprinkle with minced green pepper, press firmly, and serve with a garnish of cress.

Sardines and Egg Toasts

Rub to a smooth paste the yolks of hard-boiled eggs and an equal quantity of skinned and boned sardines, seasoning with lemon-juice. Spread on narrow strips of buttered toast and serve either hot or cold.

Sardine Toasts

Drain and skin boned sardines. Sauté in butter, season with salt, cayenne, and lemon-juice, and serve hot on small strips of buttered toast.

Sardine Lemon Toasts

Drain, skin, bone, and mash sardines. Rub to a smooth paste, moistening with melted butter and lemon juice. Spread on small circles of bread, lay a ring of hard-boiled egg-white in the centre, fill the space with minced olives and surround with the sifted yolk. Serve with cress or parsley.

Sardine on Rye

Toast small slices of rye-bread and spread with sardines, pounded to a paste and rubbed smooth with butter. Arrange alternate rows of chopped hard-boiled egg yolks and whites, garnish with parsley and serve.

Sardine and Pickle

Rub boned and skinned sardines to a paste with butter and the yolks of hard-boiled eggs, seasoning with chopped pickle and parsley, lemon-juice, and mustard. Spread the paste on rounds or strips of fried bread, lay a skinned and boned sardine on each piece, heat thoroughly and serve.

Salmon and Caper Toasts

Spread rounds of fried bread with chopped smoked salmon and cover with mayonnaise to which has been added chopped capers, olives, and onion. Garnish with cress and serve cold.

Anchovy and Tomato Toasts

Fry small rounds of bread, spread with anchovy paste, lay a slice of tomato on each and serve ice-cold, garnishing with cress or parsley.

Chese Toasts

Sprinkle rounds of fried bread with grated cheese, heat until the cheese melts, and serve very hot.

Fried Bread with Caviar

Spread rounds of fried bread with caviar seasoned with lemon-juice, lay a slice of hard-boiled egg on each one, and sprinkle with chopped cress.

Ham Toasts

Rub chopped ham to a smooth paste, moistening with cream, milk, or melted butter. Spread on small rounds of fried bread, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and cayenne, and brown in a hot oven.

Cheese and Paprika Toasts

Spread small strips of bread with butter and sprinkle with salt and paprika. Cover with grated cheese, bake until the cheese softens, and serve immediately.

Excerpt from CANAPÉS by Eric Treuille 

Swiss Cheese Toasts

Butter small rounds of toast, cover with thin slices of Swiss cheese or sprinkle with grated Swiss cheese, brown in the oven, and serve hot.

Cheese and French Mustard Toasts

Spread grated cheese on small rounds of bread seasoned with salt and cayenne, and bake until the cheese is melted. The bread may be spread with French mustard before the cheese is put on.

Pate Toasts

Rub two chicken livers to a smooth paste with butter, seasoning with salt and paprika, spread on rounds of fried bread, and serve hot.

Mixed Meats Toasts

Mix equal quantities of minced cooked chicken, ham, or tongue with a little very thick cream sauce. Season with curry powder and lemon juice. Spread on small rounds of toast and serve hot, or make sandwiches of toast with the mixture between.

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Easy Afternoon Tea Cakes

Perfectly easy afternoon tea cakes that will impress your guests.


Take a fresh layer of sponge-cake, and while it is still warm cut off the edges, spread it with jelly, and roll it into a cylinder.

Then roll it in a stiff paper and tie it with a string. If the cake is not over-baked and is rolled while hot it will not crack. The paper will keep it in shape.

Dust with icing sugar.

Image from Serious Eats

Daisy cakes

Drop separate spoonfuls of sponge cake mixture at intervals on a baking sheet. Bake in a hot oven for a few minutes only, and watch carefully that the edges do not burn. The cakes will spread, rising in the center, and be thin on the edges.

Spread the flat sides with green colored icing. Blanch some almonds, split them, and cut them in strips. Arrange them in a circle, and place in the center a little yellow icing, or use white icing to create the daisy petals.

Daisy Cakes by Decorated Treats

Medallion fruit-cakes

Use a sponge- or a cupcake mixture and bake it in gem-pans. If they rise in the center cut off the tops to even them out.

Invert them, and with a small cutter stamp a circle in the center of each one and take out a thin layer of the cake. Cover the rest of the cakes with icing, or the cakes may be moistened with water and then rubbed over with powdered sugar to whiten them.

Place a piece of preserved peach or other fruit, in the small hole you have made and serve.

Gems fresh out of the oven

Cherry Cakes

Cut a layer of any kind of cake into pieces three inches long and two and a quarter wide.

Ice the pieces and decorate with candied cherries cut in halves with small strips of angelica imitating stems, and angelica cut in diamond-shaped pieces imitating leaves.

Domino Cakes

Cut a layer of cake into two pieces. Cover one with chocolate icing and the other with white icing. While the icing is still soft cut the cake, using a sharp knife, into pieces three inches long and one and a half inches wide.

Put a little decorating icing into a pastry bag with a plain tube with a small opening, and press it through on to the cakes in dots and lines to imitate dominoes. Use white icing for the chocolate pieces, and the same icing mixed with cocoa powder for the white pieces.

Domino Cakes by Taste


¼ cupful of butter

¼ cupful of powdered sugar

¾ cupful of pastry flour

½ teaspoonful of vanilla

Yolks of two eggs.

Cream together the butter and sugar, add the yolks and flavoring, and then the flour. Make it into balls one inch in diameter, by rolling small portions of the mixture between the hands.

Roll the balls in powdered sugar and place them on a hemisphere tin. Bake them in a moderate oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

Remove and cool. Cover the flat sides of the cakes with icing of different colors and ornament with decorating icing.

Small Cake Domes By Talking Tables

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Vintage Secrets For Baking Perfect Cakes

We love the advice that many vintage recipes have for baking beautiful cakes. In this post, we have collected the best secrets for baking perfect cakes.


The freshest eggs make the lightest cakes. You can also get lighter cakes by beating your eggs in a warm dry place. A small pinch of baking soda sometimes has the same effect.

In making cakes it is particularly necessary that the eggs should be well beaten. When beating the surface should look smooth and level, become as thick boiled custard.

The whites of eggs should be beaten until they become stiff, with no liquid in the bottom. You can check if it is stiff enough by seeing if it will stick to a fork without dropping off.

Creaming Butter and Sugar

Butter and sugar should be beaten (creamed) until it looks like thick cream, and it stands up in the pan. It should be kept cool. If too warm, it will make the cakes heavy.

Baking Pans

If large cakes are baked in tin pans, the bottom and sides should be covered with sheets of baking paper before the mixture is put in.

Sponge cakes and Almond cakes should be baked in pans that are as thin as possible.

If the cakes should get burnt, scrape them with a knife or grater, as soon as they are cool.

Always be careful to butter your pans well. Should the cakes stick, they cannot be removed without breaking.

For queen cakes, the small tins of a round or oval shape are most convenient. Fill them just a little more than half full with batter.

When the cake is baked, let it remain in the tin until it is cold. Then set it in the oven a minute, or just long enough to warm the tin through. Remove it from the oven; turn it upside down, tap the edge of the tin on the table and it will slip out with ease, leaving it whole.


Water can be used in place of milk in all dough.

Where any recipe calls for baking powder, and you do not have it, you can use cream of tartar and soda, in the proportion of one level teaspoonful of soda to two of cream of tartar.

When the recipe calls for sweet milk or cream, and you do not have it, you may use in place of it sour milk or cream, but not sour enough to whey or to be watery.

More Secrets For Baking Perfect Cakes

Flour should always be sifted before using it.

Eggs should be well beaten. For the best results whisk the whites and yolks separately, the yolks to a thick cream, the whites until they are a stiff froth.

Customize your own stand mixer with Kitchenaid

Always stir the butter and sugar into a cream, then add the beaten yolks, then the milk, the flavoring, then the beaten whites, and, lastly, the flour.

While the cake is baking avoid opening the oven door, only when necessary to see that the cake is baking properly. The oven needs to remain at a moderate heat, not too cold or too hot. A cake is often spoiled by being looked at too often when first put into the oven.

If, after the cake is put in the oven, it seems to bake too fast, put brown paper loosely over the top of the pan, while being careful that it does not touch the cake, and then do not open the door for five minutes at least. Then quickly check the cake and the door shut carefully, or the rush of cold air will cause it to fall. Setting a small dish of hot water in the oven will also prevent the cake from scorching.

To check when the cake is done, run a wooden skewer into the middle of it; if it comes out clean and smooth, the cake is ready.

Never stir cake after the butter and sugar are creamed, but beat it down from the bottom, up and over; this laps air into the cake batter, and produces little air cells, which cause the dough to puff and swell when it comes in contact with the heat while cooking.

When making most cakes, especially sponge cake, the flour should be added little by little, stirred very slowly and lightly, for if stirred hard and fast it will make it porous and tough.


Before you ice a cake cover it all over with flour and then wipe the flour off. This will enable you to spread the icing more evenly.

Before you cut an ice cake, cut the icing by itself with a small sharp penknife. The large knife with which you divide the cake, will crack and break the icing.

Spread the frosting with a broad knife evenly over the cake, and if it seems too thin, beat in a little more sugar. Cover the cake with two coats, the second after the first has become dry, or nearly so. If the icing gets too dry or stiff before the last coat is needed, it can be thinned sufficiently with a little water, enough to make it work smoothly.

A little lemon juice, or half a teaspoonful of tartaric acid, added to the frosting while being beaten, makes it white and more frothy.

The flavors mostly used for frosting are lemon, vanilla, almond, rose, chocolate and orange.

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Grease Party Looks

A Grease-themed party is an absolute blast—it’s a chance to channel your inner 1950s teen rebel or pink lady and have some fun with iconic retro fashion! Whether you’re slipping into a pair of leather pants and a slick, grease-streaked jacket like Danny or rocking the perfectly pink vibe with a poodle skirt, cardigan, and ponytail like Sandy, the excitement is in the details.

The glam of the era is all about bold choices: think leather, tulle, and high heels to swing and shake to the catchy tunes of the Grease soundtrack. It’s more than just a theme party—it’s about stepping into the fun-loving world of Rydell High, where you’re ready to dance, laugh, and sing your heart out with your friends. —You are the one that I want…

Rock a new Sandy Look at your next retro party. We have found all the Grease Party Outfits to make you look the part with ease!

Pink Lady

Dress as one of the Pink Ladies in a fun, flirty, and instantly recognizable outfit that brings the spirit of Grease to life with style and sass! Inspired by the iconic all-girl gang at Rydell High, the Pink Ladies were the epitome of 1950s cool, and their signature look is all about combining rebellious edge with feminine charm. The centerpiece of the costume is, of course, the classic pink satin jacket—smooth, shiny, and adorned with the words “Pink Ladies” on the back, giving off major “cool girl” energy.

Pink Ladies Jacket by VintagePlace

Whether you’re channeling the sass of Rizzo, the goofy fun of Frenchy or the sweetness of Sandy, the Pink Lady costume is about embodying the fun, fearless vibe of the 1950s and looking fabulous while doing it. It’s the perfect costume for a Grease-themed party, and you’ll have a blast as the ultimate retro diva!

Frenchy’s Pink Lady Jacket

Frenchy’s Pink Ladies Jacket by Fun Costumes

Pair your Pink Lady Jacket it with a black pencil skirt or capri pants, and you’ve got the perfect retro ensemble that screams confidence and attitude.

Pink Lady Jacket and Scarf

To complete the look, add some pink accessories, like a silk scarf tied around your neck or wrist, and don’t forget the vintage-inspired cat-eye sunglasses!

Retro Glasses and Scarf Set (click link for more info)

The hair is all-important too—think soft curls or a high ponytail with a cute ribbon, just like Sandy after her transformation.

Grease Party Outfit - Good Sandy
Early Sandy Wig by Rubies
Sandy Wig by Smiffy’s

Sweet Sandy Outfit

Sandy Make Over Outfit

The Sandy makeover outfit from Grease is one of the most iconic transformations in movie history! When Sandy Olson switches from her sweet, innocent schoolgirl look into her bold, confident, and sultry persona, she embodies the rebellious, fun-loving spirit of the 1950s in the most memorable way. Here’s a breakdown of that unforgettable outfit:

Deluxe Sandy Costume by Fun Costumes

The Leather Pants

The centerpiece of Sandy’s makeover is the skin-tight black leather pants.

Sexy Womens Faux Leather High Waisted Leggings on Amazon

The Off-the-Shoulder Top

Sandy wears a black, off-the-shoulder, form-fitting top, which is both seductive and chic.

High Heels

To finish the look, Sandy dons a pair of red platform wedges, which elevate the outfit and add to the allure.

Platform wedges on Amazon

The Voluminous Hair

Sandy’s hair also undergoes a transformation, moving from soft curls and a ponytail to big, voluminous waves with lots of volume and body.


Her makeup is also a little more daring, with bold eyeliner and red lips, adding to the transformation into a confident, glamorous version of herself.

The Attitude

Of course, it’s Sandy’s new-found confidence and attitude that really make the makeover outfit pop. She enters the scene as a new version of herself—confident, bold, and unapologetically beautiful.

Rizzo Outfit

Rizzo, played by Stockard Channing in Grease, is one of the most memorable and iconic characters from the movie, and her style is the perfect reflection of her bold, confident, and slightly rebellious personality. As the leader of the Pink Ladies, Rizzo exudes a sense of sass and cool confidence, with a fashion sense to match her larger-than-life attitude.

Or Rock it like Rizzo in this Grease Party Outfit!

Grease Party Outfit
Rock it like Rizzo

Rizzo Sunglasses

Sunglasses or bold lipstick complement her attitude, adding to her confident, “I don’t care” vibe. Her look is never overly fussy; it’s all about understated rebellion.

Rizzo Wig


Rizzo’s makeup is a mix of classic 1950s glamour with a little extra attitude. She’s usually seen with bold red lipstick and heavy eyeliner, which makes her eyes pop. Her makeup emphasizes her confident and daring nature, and she uses it to her advantage, always looking like she’s ready to take on the world.

Frenchie Outfit

Frenchie, played by Didi Conn in Grease, is the sweet, dreamy, and slightly ditzy member of the Pink Ladies, and her style perfectly reflects her bubbly personality. Frenchie’s wardrobe has a fun, feminine, and sometimes quirky vibe, with a heavy influence from 1950s beauty and glam. While the other Pink Ladies lean toward edgier looks, Frenchie embraces a more cutesy, girly style with some vintage flair.

Frenchie often wears vintage-inspired dresses that have a sweet, feminine vibe. Think A-line skirts, pastel hues, and floral prints. Her dresses are soft and playful, with plenty of vintage charm. One of her most memorable outfits is the pink poodle skirt she wears to the dance—complete with a cute little pom-pom on the waistband. The poodle skirt is a quintessential 1950s look, and Frenchie’s take on it is girly, fun, and charming. She’s often seen wearing dresses that flare out at the bottom, giving her a youthful, fresh look.

Good Girl High School Costume by HipHop50s
Poodle Skirt and Top by ZEZCLO

Makeup and Hair

Frenchie’s makeup is subtle and soft, with a focus on enhancing her natural beauty. She’s often seen with a rosy blush, light pink lipstick, and soft eyeshadow that give her a fresh, pretty look. Frenchie’s hair, however, is where her playful spirit really shines. Her pinned curls or loose waves are always styled in a fun, feminine way—whether she’s rocking bouncy curls or a more polished, classic 50s hairstyle. Sometimes she adds a little extra flair with a ribbon or barrette.

The T-Birds

The T-Birds’ style is the ultimate in 1950s greaser chic. Leather jackets, slick hair, white T-shirts, and high-waisted trousers combine with a dose of cool confidence to create a look that’s as iconic as the movie itself. They’re the embodiment of the rock-and-roll, rebellious youth culture of the time, and their fashion choices make them unforgettable characters in Grease.

Danny Wig

Supporting Roles:


Preppy 1950s Girl Outfit

Grease Party Outfit
Preppy 1950s style outfit by Rubies

Diner Girl Outfit

Get the diner look going with this cute costume by Rubies

1950s Teacher

Set them straight in this flip wig.

Cha Cha Outfit

Grease Party Outfit Cha Cha
Cha Cha Digregorio Costume – Amazon

Rydell High Photo Props

Grease Party Outfit

Final Tips for Enjoying a Grease Party

Attending a Grease-themed party is all about embracing the fun, retro vibe of the 1950s, and channeling the spirit of Rydell High with flair and enthusiasm.

Dance Like You’re at the Burger Palace

One of the best parts of a Grease party is dancing to the iconic soundtrack! Get ready to bust out your best Twist, Hand Jive, and Charleston moves on the dance floor. Embrace the energy of the 50s and let loose to classics like “You’re the One That I Want,” “Greased Lightnin’,” and “Summer Nights.”

Sing Your Heart Out

The Grease soundtrack is one of the most iconic in movie history, and no Grease party is complete without some serious singing! Whether you’re belting out “Hopelessly Devoted to You” or doing your best Sandy and Danny impression for “Summer Nights,” don’t be shy—let the music take over and join in. If there’s a karaoke setup, jump in and have a blast!

Take Photos with the Gang

The T-Birds and Pink Ladies are iconic, so why not grab a friend or two and take some fun photos in your best Grease costumes? Have a mini photoshoot with your fellow partygoers, channeling the swagger of the T-Birds or the sass of the Pink Ladies. You’ll want to capture all those fun memories, and it’s a great way to get into character!

Be Playful with Your Attitude

To really get into the spirit of the night, channel the attitude of your favorite Grease characters. Whether you’re embodying Sandy’s sweet, innocent charm or Rizzo’s confident, no-nonsense edge, adopt their personality for the evening. Have a little fun with it—be flirtatious like Danny, sassy like Rizzo, or dreamy like Frenchie! The more you embrace your character’s vibe, the more fun you’ll have.

You’re at Rydell High for the night—let your worries slip away and enjoy the carefree vibe of a Grease party!

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Best tea party hats

Best Tea Party Hats

It is tea party season and we have found the best tea party hats for all the Weddings, christenings, engagements, anniversaries and many more events that can be celebrated with a fantastic tea party.
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Best Vintage Tea Party Handbags

Need the perfect handbag for that vintage tea party wedding? We have you covered. We have rounded up the very best tea party handbags, clutches, and purses for every kind of vintage tea party or high tea event.
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best vintage tea party shoes

Best Vintage Tea Party Shoes

We have found the best shoes for vintage high teas, afternoon tea parties or vintage tea party weddings! All guaranteed to add that extra wow factor to your outfit!
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The New Vintage Tea Party Book

The New Vintage Tea Party Book is all you need to plan your next tea party.

ten great tea party themes including complete style guides themed recipes and food and drink lists.

Find out how to plan the perfect vintage tea party with advice on invitations, decorations, table settings, food and drinks. Plan a vintage English High Tea Party or a Romantic French Tea Party that your friends will be talking about for years.

Includes complete style guides for 10 Uniquely Styled Events:

English High Tea Party

Romantic French High Tea Party

Shabby Chic Style Tea Party

Cream Tea Party

Retro Luncheon Tea

Garden Tea Party

Bollywood High Chai Party

Happily Ever After – Cinderella Tea Party

1920 Prohibition Tea Party

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party


Ten Vintage Tea Party Style Guides – inspiration and suggestions for invitations, table settings, and decorations.

+ fabulous sandwich ideas for the perfect afternoon tea.

+ Themed Tea Party recipes.

Order Your Copy today and get to planning the perfect vintage tea party

Available online at :

Best tea party hats

Best Tea Party Hats

It is tea party season and we have found the best tea party hats for all the Weddings, christenings, engagements, anniversaries and many more events that can be celebrated with a fantastic tea party.
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How To Host A Tea Party For Two

Tea for two is a fantastic way to enjoy afternoon tea with a great friend. Just because the event is small, doesn’t mean it needs to be any less special. You can easily create a special afternoon tea party in your home with only one guest.

Invite your best friend, your mother or daughter to a tea party for two and enjoy an afternoon of tea and treats without leaving your house.

tea for two

Set the table in a gorgeous vintage tea party style. Bring out your best vintage style teacups, saucers and plates. Add lovely teapots, a sugar bowl, milk jug and teaspoons. Serve afternoon treats on pretty tiered serving plates.

We love this Royal Albert Country Roses Tea set in pink and white polka dots for a sweet afternoon tea party for two.

tea for two
Royal Albert Country Roses Tea Set

You don’t have to have matching chinaware. These perfectly mismatched teacups, saucers and plates are a great example of how to coordinate vintage style chinaware. These mismatched sets come already coordinated and mismatched to perfection.

tea for two
Perfectly Mismatched Tea cup, saucer and side plate

When you are hosting a smaller tea party, it is the small details that make the event special. We love these Royal Albert porcelain teaspoons that beautifully compliment the mismatched sets.

tea for two

When you guest has arrived it is time to serve the tea and let the talking begin.

Country Roses Teapot

For a special addition to the traditional tea serving, you can opt to use individual tea strainers in each cup. This one has a beautiful Rose quartz crystal attached.

Tea Strainer with Rose Quartz Healing Crystal

Choosing the perfect tea to serve is important. Our pick is the Royal Palace Tea, a black tea with a hint of lemon and grapefruit – perfect for treating someone special.

Royal Palace Tea

We are also quite taken by this new master tea blend SOHO, a black tea with chocolate and coconut. It smells and tastes incredible!

A tea party for two does not require a lot of food, but it is nice to have a variety of options like a high tea. Some sweet things and some savoury. We find it hard to go past macaroons as one sweet option!

Macaroons Made to Order

Petit Fours are another classic option to serve.

Savory options include Beef Wellingtons, Shrimp skewers, and asparagus rolls.

Mini Beef Wellingtons
Sausage and Shrimp Kebabs
Crispy Asparagus Rolls

More fabulous options for are Creamy Brie Canapés, mini cheesecakes and Brie with Raspberry Filo rolls.

tea party for two
Creamy Brie Canapes
tea party for two
Mini Cheesecakes
tea party for two
Brie and Raspberry Filo

More Classic Recipes In High Society Refreshments

If you are looking for more ideas and inspirations for your tea party, please check our others great style guides out.

Our Favorite Vintage Tea Party Teas To Impress Guests

These are our favorite vintage tea party teas to serve guests at a classic vintage tea party, a romantic high tea or an elegant garden tea event.

Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea Bags

Hot Cinnamon Spice by Harney&Sons

This fabulous Black tea is combined with orange peel, three types of cinnamon and cloves. Perfect for a warm cozy tea to serve as the weather cools. And we should mention it smells divine!

Indigo Punch Tea

Indigo Punch by Harney&Sons

Colorful and full of crisp, fruity flavors, this new indigo punch tea combines the delicate tang of rosehips and apple pieces with the earthy tones of a gorgeous Butterfly pea flower. Caffeine Free.

Bright lemongrass, lemon peel, and vivid raspberry round out the palate of this beautiful brew, along with natural honey flavor for a touch of sweetness. It is also perfect as an iced tea!

Try it iced with a slice of lemon!

Traditional English Tea

Traditional English Tea – Fine Breakfast Tea

English Breakfast is a full-bodied black tea, known as the UK’s favourite. Serve at any time of the day with a splash of milk.

Smokey Earl Grey

vintage tea party teas
Smokey Earl Grey Tea by Fortnum & Mason

This brew by Fortnum&Mason was created in response to a request from the Royal Palace for a smokier Earl Grey Tea. This unique blend combines traditional bergamot with a touch of Lapsang and Gunpowder tea. For years it was the only Earl Grey available at Fortnum’s and remains popular for very good reason. We love this to add a whole lot of class to a high tea event! Serve black or with a little milk, or with a slice of orange or lemon.

Rose Pouchong Tea

Rose Pouchong by Fortnum & Mason

In this speciality tea, rose petals are interleaved with the tea as it dries, and a few are left in for decoration, ensuring that the visual appeal matches the flavour. Serve in the afternoon to make the most of its fragrant and delicate taste.

Spiced Green Tea

vintage tea party teas
Spiced Green Tea by Harrods

Christmas in a cup, this sweet and light Chinese green tea has been flavoured with spices including cinnamon, cloves, orange and ginger, to create a smooth and spicy Christmas blend. 

Victoria London Fog

vintage tea party teas

The beverage called London Fog originated during the Victorian era. Traditionally, it is an Earl Grey served with steamed milk. Ingredients: Black tea, oolong tea, bergamot oil, lavender, vanilla flavor.

Offer a classic selection of Vintage Tea Party Teas

vintage tea party teas

This fabulous set includes four of our favorite teas for any event:

HOT CINNAMON SPICE – Hot Cinnamon Spice is an assertive blend of caffeinated black teas, three types of cinnamon, orange peel, and sweet cloves. Tin of 20 Tea Sachets

ENGLISH BREAKFAST – English Breakfast contains full leaf black teas from Ceylon and Kenya. Tin of 20 Tea Sachets

PARIS – Paris is a fruity black tea with vanilla and caramel flavors, and a hint of lemony Bergamot. Tin of 20 Tea Sachets

EARL GREY SUPREME – For the Earl Grey connoisseur, this blend uses a higher grade of tea with the addition of Silver Tips. Tin of 20 Tea Sachets

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